Qualified Interpreter Training,
for Healthcare & Community Services
10 AM to 2 PM
US Central Standard Time
ALL 120-Hours
Delivered by an instructor
***Space is limited***
Description: this 120-hour training is designed to prepare adult Spanish/English bilingual individuals as qualified medical/healthcare interpreters as required by federal healthcare regulations. It also fulfills the 40-hour training component for those interested in pursuing national medical/healthcare interpreter certification. This training covers all topics under the knowledge areas tested in both current national medical/healthcare certification written portion of the exam, and provides hands-on simulations (role-plays) to practice interpretation modes and skills for the oral portion of those national exams.
Additionally: this training covers topics and skills related to interpreting in educational and community settings (community centers, construction, hospitality organizations, insurance, schools, social services encounters, etc.) to prepare participants as qualified interpreters for those types of settings.
English Language Neutral Training: this training is taught in English with Spanish-specific practice during simulations.
Set-Up Requirements: synchronous online learning mimics an on-site learning environment, where only those participating of the learning process are the ones in a “brick-and-mortar” room – and not others. Therefore, during training sessions, training participants must keep their camera open at all times (except during breaks), and must be sitting comfortably at a table, desk, or counter (not on a couch, on the bed, on the floor, etc.), in front of their desktop or laptop (NO smartphones or tablets), and away from distractions (noises, images, other people, etc.). Participants are not allowed to attend sessions while in transit, in a moving vehicle, and/or while they are engaged in any other activity besides the training sessions.
Tech Requirements: synchronous online learning requires regular access to a dedicated and reliable desktop or laptop (NO smartphones or tablets) with video and audio capabilities, in addition to access to a reliable smartphone for offline communication. The minimum stable Internet connection broadband requirement is 768 kbps, to ensure quality sound and video. It is recommended that, during training sessions, streaming by other parties on the same Wi-Fi/hardwired connection be avoided to promote clear, uninterrupted streaming of training sessions.
Who Should Enroll
Spanish/English bilingual individuals seeking employment/contract work in healthcare, education, hospitality, insurance, and social services settings, among others
Spanish/English bilingual staff and professionals working in construction, healthcare, schools, hospitality organizations, insurance, social services, etc., frequently called upon to interpret, but without training to do so
And: anyone who is Spanish/English bilingual and wishes to pursue interpreter training as a documented skill to their resume (whether they have experience or not), and/or wishes to pursue a career in interpreting in any of the settings detailed above
Training applicants must fulfill all of the following requisites:
Be at least 18 years of age. Acceptable proofs of age are a driver’s license, a birth certificate, or a passport.
Submit proof of completion of high school, GED/HiSET, or higher education.
Pass the Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA) in Spanish and English with a score of at least 80% in each language assessed (see below for more details regarding the LPA).
Training Affidavit of Successful Completion
This is an active-participant, grade-based training. In order to successfully complete this training, and receive the corresponding Affidavit of Successful Completion (one of the documents needed to apply for the national medical/healthcare interpreter certification exam, and to document interpreter skills training for employment purposes) participants MUST fulfill ALL items below:
Obtain an average training grade of at least 75% (based on three graded training items)
Meet the attendance requirement, as follows:
85% attendance (at least 102 of 120 training hours), although 100% class attendance is highly encouraged
For each missed training session, submit a make-up assignment in addition to getting caught up with session work and homework, as detailed in the training syllabus
Abide by all Sanchez-Vega Communications, LLC's, Training Policies, including the Policy of Conduct
Do their advance reading for each training session: weekly advance readings average between 8 and 12 pages representing an average of 8 to 10 hours of weekly independent study.
Actively participate in training sessions and engage with peers as they build community.
There are two fees (one per step) involved in the cost of this training:
STEP 1: Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA) in both English and one non-English language.
Fee: $100 - This LPA fee is non-refundable.
Items assessed in each language in the LPA are:
- Basic grammar and every day vocabulary/colloquialisms
- Listening comprehension
- Reading comprehension
- Speaking
The LPA is administered over 90-minutes live, via Zoom. The set-up and tech requirements for the LPA are the same as the ones detailed above for the training. Please make sure you read carefully those requirements, and abide by them.
All training applicants must take the LPA, and score 80% or higher in each language assessed in order to be eligible to register for the training.
STEP 2: Training Fee includes:
- All tuition delivered live by a qualified instructor
- All digital session materials that are yours to keep
- A hard copy of the 350+ page training manual that is yours to keep
Option A:
Regular Price = $1,700, payable in 4 installments:
$500 at registration
$400 by 11:59 PM CST on Thursday of week 2
$400 by 11:59 PM CST on Thursday of week 4
$400 by 11:59 PM CST on Thursday of week 6
Option B: Discounted Price = $1,500, with full payment at registration
For questions, please contact Diana Sanchez-Vega at:
Phone (talk/text): six one five-FIVE EIGHT FIVE-9884